Sunday, August 8th, was my second shoot with Phillip Ritchie. It was also the second time I had Brittney Long to be the makeup artist. We also had male model, Matteo, in the shoot. My boyfriend, Daniel, was also there to help out.
Boy, was it a fun and energetic shoot. Actually, "fun" is an understatement.
I know most people don't like having too many people on set. However, I like it. So many people can come up with different solutions
on how to do something. I'm not talking about telling each other what to do such as telling a model how to pose or act or how to set up lighting. I'm talking about real problems, such as when I wasn't getting far enough off the ground or when I was having a hard time holding my
balance, and we all put our heads together to try to solve it and then we all took on different "jobs" to assist each other throughout the shoot.
So the day started at 10 AM and the first thing Phillip says to us, is how cool Daniel's corvette is. *sigh*... men... and then I got a hug AFTER that. hahah. So then we went inside and Phillip talked to us about the concept and how he wanted me to look. Then Brittney and I went off to go do makeup.
I love working with Brittney. Michael Magers had recommended her to be two months ago, and I just loved how she made me look, so of course I had to hire her to work with me again on this shoot.
Then we shot a little, and I had to BEG Phillip to cut my dress, so then he finally did and made me a cool like headband out of it. Tee hee. Then we finished up shooting.
It was so fun! Daniel was on the ladder, working on the pole with the ball. Matteo was diving around and Phillip had to keep telling him to close his legs and be more lady-like. As usual, no one knew what Phillip was trying to tell us to do. I broke a box with my super-high heels at one point and we had to replace the piece of wood.
No one really knew how Phillip saw the photos in his head. Somehow, even in all that clutter, Phillip was able to get things together and got the images he wanted. After looking at them, we finally knew what the guy was talking about.
Phillip said I looked like a Ninja, since all Ninjas play soccer in high heels.
The heels are to die for! and here I am playing soccer in them... oh... the things i do for phillip..
Here's a photo of Matteo, dashing across Phillip's gigantic studio, trying to hit the ball, but Daniel was on the ladder, pulling it away from Matteo every time.

Matteo pissed me off, so I gave him the evil eye.

Who's gonna get to the ball first? You bet your ass it was me!
To read what
Phillip Ritchie has to say, please visit his